Thursday, July 24, 2008

In Over My Head

I haven't blogged in ages...we haven't even gone two weeks in but there's already so much WORK to do! And next week is going to be absolute torture...dreading it already. English sac and umat. Umat should be ok-ish but I have no doubt that the English sac will be the worst 2 hrs of my life...the practice sac confirmed that :P

In response to Julie's posts about how I am apparently so 'hard working' (or so my mother thinks):

Julia's Tips For Keeping Parents Happy :)
- Set up messenger lock so all you have to do is press alt shift and all your msn windows disappear
- Always keep a textbook open on your desk
- Always have an essay open on your computer so if annoying people (aka siblings) come in you can legitimately tell them to buzz off cos you're working :)
- Use the internet explorer tabs to hide the fact that you're using facebook

See this is how my parents think I'm the hardest working kid ever. When really I'm always on facebook and signed onto msn 24/7 mostly on appear offline but still.
But don't do this when you have an english sac coming up or you'll fail like me :)
It's so easy to procrastinate :(

Oh and as for the 99.95? That's so not happening. I've realised the best I can do (after playing with the enter calculator for ages) is a 99.75 and that's IF I can get a 45 in all subjects...which might actually have been semi-achievable if it weren't for english. Gosh I hate english. Jump off a cliff and die. I can't believe next years yr 12s don't have to have english in their top four. So ridiculously unfair.

Love, Julia


Anonymous said...

OMGSH:( ive spent 4 hours on one english PLAN!!! im sooo screwed 4 monday=)yup it's shehara... so you and preeta dont have to play ur little guessing games;)

Julia Donald said...

i hate english :(
i spent like 10 hours on my practice sac :P

Unknown said...

i saw the "omgsh" and knew it was shehara straight away!

really now, i know her so well. its crazy.