Monday, November 3, 2008

It's Amazing What You Can Hide Just By Putting On A Smile

I am so so screwed. I have officially failed both english and bio. Well I guess that's what I get for spending my whole swotvac on english even when I knew I was going to fail that. Urgh. So should have spent it on subjects that I actually have some chance of passing. But now I shall just go fail everything, like bio this morning. Which was SO bad. And spesh. Which I haven't done yet but I'm pretty sure I'll fail that too.

Think positive thoughts. Positive thoughts. Revs can save my enter score. And my two midyears. If worst comes to worst I can just do science at Melb :) No stress.


Marcus Wong said...

keep your head up julia! you never know until that day in december yeah? :)or is it january?

Anonymous said...

so. basically im really really sad.
im supposed to feel BETTER as time passes but i keep WORRYING. i never thought properly about what i wanna do if i dont get a good enter lol. mayb i should go interstate - queensland is realy cool? but ahhhhhh im disappointed (note: correct spelling) in myself!! and chocolate does not make me feel better. what now? drugs and rock yeeeah nah thats retarrrrded,maybe :]

have you used your book vouchers yet? i cant believe you can still read after a year of hardcore reading. i couldnt do it. you know in my whole life ive probably read a total of like TWO complete books cos i just give up half way (exluding school books which are compulsory)

and YEAH!!!!! i wishhh i could work in a bar in londong that would be awesomeeeee.if only i was a millionaire. i could go to london. pay my way into uni. buy lots of clothes. buy myself a chrysler. live in an 7982-storey apartment in the city. have a beach house on hamilton island. AND a lodge like in the snow in canada. screw rich people.

ok so before exam 1 i would hahve agreed to going to state to study together but now i figure i have to be serious. i need to like get 100% on this second exam - virtually impossible unless i hijack jessies brain.

PS. WE NEED TO GO TO LYGON STREET. and get good ice cream. have you heard of Il Dolce Freddo or Casa Del? i was wasting time looking this up on google lol and they have like approaching e to the power of a million flavours of ice cream. seriosuly like drooling on myself - almost. oh and my mother made ferrero rocher ice cream!!!!!! i full like finished it by myself. cos i kept digging for the hazelnuts and like suddenly there was only half a tub left :]:]

i really should be studing considering the quality of my last 2 papers. but i just feel like giving up. and like eco i can just bs my way through sooo hm. maybe i shoudl just do spesh? and CHEM oh CHEMISTRY. but then again theres Melbourne Cup to watch. i think i'll go for Mad Rush i think its called. yeeeeeah were gonna have family bets. maybe next time i see you ill be ten dollars richer!

Anonymous said...

oh AND. i did neap exam 2 2008 and that was terrible too!!! the world is against meeeeeeeeeee


Julia Donald said...

marcus: i don't need to wait until december to know i did badly :)

a: I'M SAD TOO! and scary. very scared. i really should have applied to queensland and nsw. is queensland easy to get into? i heard it has a really good biomed/med program. and yes i'm disappointed too (i had to look at your spelling to spell it :P )

i haven't used my vouchers yet. i will after exams though when we can go PROPER shopping. i'm SO excited for all of this crap to be over and done with. SO excited. hahah and i highly doubt you've only read two books in your lifetime :P oh hey! didn't you want to borrow twilight off me awhile ago? i forgot sorry :P if you still wanna read it i can give it to you whenever :)

omgosh imagine how much easier things would be if we could just buy our way into stressing about anything! least of all failing spesh exam 2 which i am PRETTY SURE will happen to me. OOH i want to go to hamilton island! and canada! this summer and winter? let's go!!

hahah have you seen heroes? well theres this evil guy that steals peoples powers by cutting open their brain and seeing how they word. anyway that's what i thought of when you said hijack jessies brains :P but of course we'd never do that...haha no. i'd rather have the power to read peoples minds then i'd fully write down everything jessies thinking. freaking genius.

is lygon street the greek street? i think i've passed through but never stopped...FERERO ROCHER ICECREAM!!! yummmmmm!! awww i want some! marcus you're probs not reading this but if you are we all have to go to cold rock again after the next jwalk yes? yes k awesome :)

neap sucks. actually you know what, spesh just sucks. what a crappy way to finish an otherwise awesome subject. and i can't be bothered doing exam 2 papers! they take SO LONG! ahhh so cbb :(
gonna go study now :(

p.s i hope you won the 10 dollars! i didn't watch the races but my dad won 25 dollars at work haha.

Anonymous said...

I WON $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ all ten dollars of it heh. i bet on bauer - but i got best out of us 3 so yeah. very very lucky. its prety bad tho i think i scabbed money off them liek that last year too? ah welk suks to be them.

yeah queensland SHOULD be relatively easy to get into because you get bonus points for doing special and language somehow. so thats bonus points x2 for me! lol :]

its been way too long a break lol. everythings dragggginggg even tho its only 3 days in between special and eco. heh i just remembered something. when i was little my password for computer/internet was chocolateluva. funny how things turn out.

ps. OBAMAAAAAA yeeeah hes so inspiring. do u know just how cool he is?!! firstly, he was born in hawaii. secondly hes african. thirdly he graduated from harvard law school ANDDD hes a christian! pretty amazing. oh and he did marijuana in highschool lol. but whatever im still inspired. i wish he was president of australia :[

Julia Donald said...

oooooh yeahhh lucky you haha. i should have applied to queensland :( it would be so fun to go there! would your parents let you?

nooooo way. the breaks too short! i've hardly done any spesh! or methods. or chem! i wish mine were spaced out better cos even though i finish so early, i'd rather do better in my exams :P

obama won the election! hahahah yeahh ooh and he also did cocain in high school bahaha but i agree. he's cool. did you see him on ellen? he was dancing with her hahaha :P but no, we get rudd. who's soooo boring.


yCuL.. - said...

julia ur not gonna fail... u've had no past experiences to base your speculations on ..

me on the other hand... :P