Thursday, March 13, 2008

one point. ONE POINT!!!!!

Yes. We lost the debate by one point. Which is actually pretty good considering I thought we'd get thrashed. But I think the one point is even more annoying cos you think...maybe if made that little bit extra eye contact or something that we'd have won. MEH. Who cares. It's over. And we didn't get terribly beaten. And plus, we were all debating against something we believed in which is always harder. It was still fun though :) The topic was 'that we should pay compensation to the stolen generation' and we were affirmative. It was pretty good actually :)

GOSH THATS SO ANNOYING. I just wrote a whole other paragraph on random stuff then I accidently highlighted it and deleted it...HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? I love the autosave thing on blogspot because if you accidentaly get out of it then what you've written is still there, but if you make a mistake, it saves it before you get a chance to undo it. Stupid stupid stupid.

Ahh don't have time to rewrite it. Chem sac and methods test to study for...and it's wayyy past my bedtime :P

Love, Julia

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