Saturday, May 24, 2008

Time To Just Be

Everything's happening so fast...

Monday - chem sac
Tuesday - bio sac
Wedbesday - chem sac
Thursday - bio trial exam
Friday - english sac


Feels like everything is just going over the top of me. I start off a day with a list of 5 things to do. And I only get 2 done. WHERE DID ALL THAT TIME GO? I swear I had three weeks till midyears. But now a whole week's gone by without me even noticing. Year 12 is half over. How did that happen?

I've decided. If could have a superpower like the ones on Heroes, I don't want to be able to fly although that would be SO cool. I'd rather have Hiro's power, and fast forward three weeks. TO CAIRNS :D ahhh sun, beach, warm weather...

Love, Julia


haze said...

julia ur gonna ace everything anyway.

Unknown said...

hazel's so right.

julia, DESTRESS.

you'll be fine :)
if not, just compare yourself to me. you'll feel better that way.

Unknown said...

ah well, apparently im "sucking up to you", not damning you, so it's all good. and omg, i SUCK AT CHEM. it took ME THREE HOURS TO DO THE 20Q MULTIPLE CHOICE.

anisha's in the process of counting how many smart people i say "hi" to, btw. today, it was 5. so apparently, i'm not allowed to say hi to you anymore.

go figure.