Friday, June 13, 2008


Ahh feels so good :D The gat was actually quite fun, and (nobody kill me for saying this) but chem was quite fun too? Bio was annoying and boring though... but yeah THEY'RE OVER!!! For four months at least.

FAR OUT. My phone started working again. But now it's not :( UGH. Time for a new phone I reckon...guess I can't complain after having that phone for over 5 years :P

Oooh the plane tickets for Cairns came today. Tres excited. Ahhh the thought of sun :)

Love, Julia


Andrea said...

ahaha so Twilight is what you were telling me about
lend me your book dude. it will be the first non-school book i've read since.................yeah.

sif not come today :( jackasssss :P

Unknown said...

chem was fun?

im never talking to you ever again

btw did nicole give u scrubs?

once you answer that - we're not talking!