Thursday, September 4, 2008

Double Biology

Was freaking hilarious. A few quotes from Ms O'Brien herself:

'And the dark moth stood out like dog's balls!'

*whispering* 'Mr Poustie looks so innocent...but really he's so EVIL!'

'Aren't they cute the blue footed boobies?'

'mechanical isolation - where the genitals just don't fit'

HAHAHAHA so inappropriately funny. Well it is biology so I guess it is a way...actually no.

Anyway. Exams are over in ten weeks!

Love, Julia


yCuL.. - said...

OH.. julia why is your biology lesson filled with such interesting comments..

I feel like a fossil in ours.

Anonymous said...

LOL AT LUCY'S COMMENT - "i feel like a fossil in ours"

its only fun cause we're in it!
aahhaa. poustie and o'brien. CLASSIC :D

Julia Donald said...

yeah actually i'll do one on poustie as well!
he has some funny quotes as well :P

Anonymous said...

maaan you got funny teachers... i got guestie:|so her funniest quote would be:

so is this a plant or animal cell? (after just having told us that it was a human cell)

but i do have greenhill who's quite funny. she was telling us about her and mr poustie being best friends the other day. and then she realised what she was saying and wanted to rewind everything. funny as

(btw this is shehara)