Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Linley and Julia Smell Like Poo

Tiger and Cookie had their second vaccination today...they were so good, no struggling or scratching at all :) They have both double in weight since the last time they went...fat cats hahaha. Was going to go to church after that to help out with some craft stuff but the Wades came over like 5 seconds before I was going to leave (sorry Jackie forgot to text).
This is what Linley and I made:

The "Give Her What She Wants Double Fudge Cake" with chocolate frosting. Oh man. The richest, chocolatiest cake I have ever had. It is SO good. And really easy to make too. After that we went for a bike ride to burn off the sugar in that cake and to motivate Mum to excercise since she has weak bones. Bike riding is so much fun :D We came back pretty late (it was already dark) to find this in the rumpus room:

Talk about disgusting *shudders*. I hate cockroaches more than spiders and snakes and anything ugh. Would have stomped on it but we weren't wearing any shoes so Linley and I caught it in a plastic container, slid a piece of paper under it and chucked it outside. High five Linley, we rock :D

So that was our day. Linley's sleeping over and we're cooking a three course dinner tomorrow which will be mad fun :D

Love, Julia


Anonymous said...

so you changed coke's name to tiger?

and oh MAN biking is NOT fun you loser!

Anonymous said...

Julia smells like POOOOOO
p.s this was written by Julia :)

Anonymous said...

Julia... people usually don't brag about smelling like shit... go eat some more cake and cry to your cats