Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sunday Morning Rain Is Falling

I hate the weekend. Teachers take it as though all we want to do at home is work. Seriously? Ugh. My To-Do List:
- 2 chem pracs
- bio prac
- english essay
- spesh assignment
- chem chap questions
- methods set work
Think I can get that done? I don't think so. OH WELL.

Other than the gay amounts of homework it's been a good weekend :) United Live was awesome! And me and Andrea found a potential schoolies house wooohoooo...And just got back from seeing Definately Maybe with the fam. It's really cute and I SO WANNA GO TO NEW YORK NOW :D Grr was meant to go last summer hols but Ang had gym comps. Annoyyyyyyyying. But yeah the movie's it's pretty good.
OH congrats Glamis people on winning house concerts. We came second! AHA who woulda thought...
Church at 7:30 in the morning tomorrow! So off to bed for me :)

Love, Julia

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