Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Twilight Picnic

This week has gone by SO FAST. And it's been such a great week compared with the one before, which felt like a month. Yesterday I had only two classes :) cos of the foundation day assembly and the making of a '50' down on the junior school oval. It was such a waste of time but we got crunchies after which was awesome hahah. I only had two classes after that and p.e which was dance. Which was the funniest thing ever. Omgosh. Like, THE most retarded, weirdest style of 'dance' ever. Ahhh anywayyy. After school was the Twilight Picnic! I didn't bring my camera so these are stolen from Shehara and Barbara :)

[Now everyone together. "AAWWWW"]

It was really really fun :D

Today was quite the boring. Went to so frustrated cos I couldn't do a question and then at the last minute I knew what to do but didn't have time to do it and then it was too late and it got collected grr. Ahh other than that didn't do anything today.

OH. This morning I woke up and saw Tiger playing with my glow stick bracelet thing from last night. He sunk his teeth into, breaking it and making all the glowing fluid stuff inside go all over his face! Ahhh stupid cat. He went absolutely nuts, running around and shaking his face. I tried to pick him up to wash his face but he tore my hands to shreds. Well not shreds...but I got some nasty cuts. After he calmed down I wiped his he's fine now :P Talk about curiosity killed the cat.

Love, Julia

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