Monday, April 14, 2008

And The Camera Cord is FOUND

So I lied. I couldn't blog on the w/e cos I had to finish my english oral. BUT. I can blog now. AND I can upload pictures!

So. The birthday was extremely good. Had school. Found my locker decorated with (bad) photos of myself and balloons everywhere thanks to my lovely friends :D We got our year 12 jumpers FINALLY and after school was the year 12 bonding afternoon. We did this Amazing Race type thing with clues hidden all over the school. It was so tiring I consider my exercise for this year done. Saach and I then had a cake and were serenaded by Nic Yow :P Then went out for dinner with the fam, where I ate too much but also got my IPOD TOUCH :D It's so coooooool! Went home, had birthday cake and went to sleep deliriously happy.

Saturday: had tuition exam. Failed. Dad went to hospital (he's fine).

Sunday: had church. Visited Dad. Bought an ipod cover. Visited Dad again. Went home. Finished oral.

So that was my weekend in 100 words or so :)

PICTURES! (from my bday and Linley's)

Ahh camera battery died :P I'll upload more later.

♥ Julia


Unknown said...

ahhh you and ur siblings are sooo cute!


DAMN YOU for that fantastic oral btw.

im going to go up there and step from side to side going "so, apparently im meant to talk today. hmm."

Julia Donald said...

HAHAHA whatEVER preeta. that's the last thing you're going to do :P
you're going to get up there and amaze us with your witty jokes. yup.