Thursday, April 3, 2008

It Starts In My Toes, Makes Me Crinkle My Nose

I haven't been blogging much. Funny thing is, I'm not actually that busy. I have no idea what I've been doing these holidays, yet they're already ending. I haven't been doing my english oral that's for sure...

Cookie and Tiger got desexed yesterday. It was quite scary actually cos as we got to the RSPCA to give the cats to the vet, another lady with a cat was talking to the receptionist about how her cat got desexed the day before and wouldn't stop throwing up. But thankfully Cookie and Tiger are fine. They must have got a good vet :) They had to shave part of Cookies fur off. She looks so funny :P I'd put a pic up but (like Preeta) I can't find my camera cord connecting thing. Otherwise I'd also put a pic up of my books in colour order which I did again yesterday :D

I went formal dress shopping at Bridge Rd today. I don't think I was in the right mood though cos I'd walk into a shop, scan the room and walk out again. In total I only tried on two dresses and those were at Chaddy which we went to after we gave up on Bridge Rd. I seriously cannot be bothered shopping for a dress...why can't the perfect dress just appear in my wardrobe? I'm too lazy. And GOSH. I procrastinate WAY too much. I've been meaning to do the english oral since the beginning of the holidays...and now it's the end. MOTIVATION where are YOU?

Love, Julia


Jon said...

as if order your books by colour!
thats the most ridiculous thing i've heard.
however i am curious,
is it by rainbow? :D

Julia Donald said...

HAHAHA of course it is!!
and now it looks pretty :D

Unknown said...

in colour order?


the first thing that caught my eye was the word "desexed" and my name somewhere near it, and that was a cause for concern....jeez...

Julia Donald said...

HAHAHAHA :P only you would jump to that conclusion :P

and yes. i'm seriously serious.